Store Checkout Problems in Numbers

It is stated that as many 68% of store visitors who leave store w/o buying it at checkout. This is really bad because most of it is preventable. In this post I list most common reasons why people leave. Statistics are from a reputable study done by Baymard Institute in 2016. Reasons are listed in order from the highest % stated by visitors to the lowest:

61% Extra costs were too high (shipping, tax, fees).

35% The site wanted me to create an account.

27% Too long / complicated checkout process.

24% I couldn't see / calculate total order up-front.

22% Website had errors / crashed.

18% I didn't trust the site with my credit card information.

16% Delivery was too slow.

10% Returns policy wasn't satisfactory.

8% There weren't enough payment methods.

5% The credit card was declined.

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